On May 12th, the 6/7, 7/8 & 8 classes will be trained on how to use the IPP.  This is a Ministry of Education policy that involves “the implementation of a comprehensive Kindergarten to Grade 12 Education and career/life program designed to help students achieve their goals.” Creating Pathways to Success puts students at the centre of their own learning, viewing them as the architects of their own lives.  The Waterloo Regional District School Board is initiating this policy in grades 7 and 8 classes during the 2014-2015 school year.   Students will be provided with opportunities to document their learning in education and career/life planning in a web-based portfolio titled, “Individual Pathways Plan (IPP)”.  Students use four guiding inquiry questions, (Who Am I?, What are my opportunities?, Who do I want to become?, What is my plan for achieving my goals?) to structure their portfolio. Students will continue to build their digital portfolio as they move through the grades towards their postsecondary destination. Please encourage your child to reflect on their strengths and interests and document their learning using the Individual Pathways Plan.  They are asked to bring in at least 2 items from home that they would like to add to their digital portfolio.  Feel free to use the guiding questions above to help your child select items to bring.  You can review your child’s IPP with them by accessing it through https://myway.wrdsb.ca.  Students click on “My Portfolio” and log in using the user name and password they normally use for school computers.