Its here!

Our brand new water bottle filling station was installed yesterday — just in time for quenching thirsts after the Terry Fox run with cool, filtered water.  Thank you to our Home and School committee for purchasing this for us and to all parents who supported their fundraising to help make this possible.

Minutes from the H & S meeting of September 21st


Concussion Awareness


Student Accident Insurance

  During the course of the school year, our students have many opportunities to engage in various learning activities. Specific courses such as our science and technology classes, that involve the use of tools, chemicals and machinery, and our physical education classes, that involve movement with equipment, carry a risk of injury. In addition, students […]

Buzz Feed for week of September 26


safeTALK training available for WRDSB parents & guardians

As part of our system goals to supporting student & staff wellness, we are pleased to offer safeTALK training for parents/guardians of the WRDSB. What is safeTALK? safeTALK is a three-hour alertness workshop that prepares participants, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide alert helper. What are the goals and objectives of […]

PA Day – Friday, September 23

This is a reminder of our scheduled Professional Activity (PA) Day this Friday – Friday, September 23, 2016. There will be no school for WRDSB students. All elementary and secondary employee groups will be focusing on the new WRDSB Strategic Plan, School Improvement Planning, and Health and Safety Training. This will drive the work and […]

Order your Spirit wear now!

We will soon have the results of the voting for a new St. Jacobs Stingers logo (last day for voting is this coming Wednesday. Order your new Spirit Wear: t-shirts and shorts for gym classes, hoodies to show school spirit all day long! Attention Intermediate students:  If you plan to be part of one of […]

Buzz Feed for week of Sept. 19

Thank you for coming to Thursday night’s Meet the Teacher event.  It was wonderful to see all of you again. sept-19_stjacobs-weekly_16

Pita Mondays are back!

On Mondays, we offer the option of ordering Pitas from the Pita Pit in Elmira.  Theya re delivered to the school for the first Nutrition Break. A special thank you to Mrs. Alles who has, once again, volunteered to coordinate this ordering.  Attached are the order form for the four Mondays in October or you […]

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